Alternative Medicine

How to Make Herbal Incense

Posted by admin on March 29, 2011 in Health with No Comments

Whether you want to improve your mood, do some daily meditation, or simply smell something pleasant-you can achieve those goals by using herbal incense. And in today’s Do-It-Yourself world, more and more people are choosing to make their own herbal incense. While this option can save you a small fortune, it’s important to take the right steps.

Here are some helpful tips for having the most success when making your own herbal incense:

1. Choose your herbs carefully
Not all herbs are alike. In fact, different herbs will have significantly different effects on your mind and emotions. So when creating your own herbal incense, it’s crucial to know how different herbs will affect you differently. The function of the incense should have a key impact on which herbs you choose. Do you want to give your mood a boost? Are you preparing for a romantic candlelight dinner? Will you be performing a religious ceremony? By first determining the function of the herbal incense, you’ll be better prepared to choose the right herbs. Besides doing research to create a blend of herbs, you should also do some experimentation.

2. Use fresh herbs
As when choosing plants for other applications, it’s crucial that the herbs are as fresh as possible. This will maximize the fullness of the herbs’ aromas. To ensure the freshness of the herbs, you could consider growing them yourself. However, if you don’t live in an ideal environment for growing certain herbs, then you’ll have to buy your herbs from a supplier. If you need to do that, then verify that the herbs supplied are as fresh as possible.

3. Use the right tools to pulverize the herbs
The best option is a mortar and pestle. This will help to crush the herbs, while allowing them to maintain their aromatic properties. Ultimately, it will help to maximize the effectiveness of the herbs as incense. On the other hand, you should definitely avoid using tools such as electric coffee grinders. The ultra-fast speed creates heat that causes the herbs to lose some of their aromas. Save those grinders for woods and of course-coffee.
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4. Consider adding some essential oils
Although essential oils aren’t essential for your herbal incense, a few drops of them can certainly enhance them.
By definition, essential oils contain the essence of a particular plant. However, they’re in a concentrated form, so you can use a few drops of the oils instead of pounds of plants. Like the herbs themselves, several varieties of essential oils are available on the market. So it’s important to shop around and do your homework before making your selection.

5. Allow your herbs to cure
Sometimes curing doesn’t involve healing. When creating a blend of different herbs for your herbal incense, curing is a crucial step. Place the herbs in an airtight container. Then place that container in a place that’s dark, dry, and cool. The curing should last for a couple of weeks.

Regardless of why you’re planning to use herbal incense, it’s crucial to prepare the herbs properly. These above tips will help you to accomplish that mission.

Rudraksha – The Ayurvedic Miracle Healer

Posted by admin on March 24, 2011 in Health with No Comments

What exactly is Rudraksha? It is a bead, the seeds of the Rudraksha tree, found in plenty in India, Nepal and Indonesia. It is botanically known as the ‘Elaeocarpus Ganitrus Roxb’, but before it was botanically named and researches started to find out its properties, Ayurveda had considered Rudraksha as one of the major healing herbs, with no other herb to second it.

But unlike other Ayurvedic herbs, it is not taken orally. Rather, it is either worn on the body or kept in a small box, which should always be near you – you can carry the small box wherever you go, keep it in your room, keep it under your pillow, keep it in your car while driving, or keep it in your purse.

If you happen to see these beads, you will notice that each bead has clefts and vary in the different number of clefts – some may have five and some may have ten. Its cleft is the basis upon which the usability of a particular Rudraksha bead is decided upon.

Various studies have revealed that in total, there are 38 facets of these beads, out of which the five cleft beads are the most popular ones. In India, yogis are seen to wear Rudraksha garlands as it is considered to possess healing elements. But one doesn’t have to be a yogi to wear it. In fact – it is rather common to see an average person wears these garlands because it is considered to be a miraculous healer. It is believed that wearing this particular garland can protect your mind, body and soul from negativities and fill you with positivity and prosperity.

For a long time now, the traditional and contemporary Asian literatures have been documenting the importance of Rudraksha on many levels, and making the people understand its miraculous powers. In recent years, scientific approaches are being applied to determine exactly how this miraculous healing power of this bead works. It is indeed surprising to know how a herb can create such a miracle, when we look at other places for miracles to happen!

Some researchers have linked Rudraksha to Physics as they have found that its beads have electro-magnetic properties and like magnets, they work on the principle of Dynamic Polarity. For instance, you can stabilize your heart beat by placing a singular bead over your heart!

For centuries, these beads have been used by the Asians, especially the Indians, as a powerful healer. The beads transmit subtle electrical and inductive impulses with opposite polarity and intensity.

So, why do the these beads hold such benefits for humans? The human body is a complex mechanism of bio-electronic circuits which regulates the organs and its functions. So whenever the body’s bio-electronic function becomes imbalanced, one can use these beads as a stabilizing agent, to restore equilibrium. Being organic, Rudraksha is yet another of Mother Earth’s gifts to mankind, a gift we should all consider accepting and using.

Home Cures for Thrush of the Mouth

Posted by admin on March 23, 2011 in Health with No Comments

As if we do not have enough to deal with in our daily lives, you have discovered horrible white patches on your tongue that may even bleed.

If this sounds like something you are experiencing than you most likely have thrush of the mouth. It is possible to get rid of this with one of several home cures for thrush of the mouth instead of spending money at the doctors.

  • One of the easiest home cures for oral thrush that you can do is a saltwater rinse. Simply by mixing one cup of warm water with a ? teaspoon of salt can bring great relief from the pain and start you on the road to a clean mouth. Do this several times a day until the white patches are gone.
  • Another of the many great home cures for thrush is to use garlic and onions together to do battle. Both of these everyday foods have antifungal fighting power and can kill Candida in your mouth. Add these to your daily diet to heal the white patches inside of your mouth.
  • If you wear dentures then you should know that they can be a breeding ground for yeast. There is plenty of moisture under there and this in turn can breed yeast. Be sure to clean your dentures each and every night as well as clean your mouth.
  • If you have ever heard of using yogurt as a home cure for yeast infection then you should know that it is great for oral thrush as well. Not only is it tasty but you will give the healthy bacteria in your mouth a boost. Simply take a teaspoon or two and move it around in your mouth. Be sure not to eat or drink for a little while after this to give it a chance to work.
    The use of probiotic yogurt is one of the most effective and soothing cures you can also use for oral thrush. Try it cooled for some instant relief.
  • Many of us use mouth wash each and every day and you can change to an anti-fungal mouthwash to fight thrush. This is one of the easiest home cures for thrush since it is something that is likely already part of your daily routine.
    To create this wonderful rinse combine warm water, cider vinegar and a dash of salt in a glass. Mix till dissolved then rinse and spit. Not only will this get rid of your current thrush but help to prevent its return.

All of these home cures for thrush of the mouth are great to help get your smile back and your breath fresh and clean.

Using any of these cures every once in a while, you will be able to keep thrush at bay and be pain free. And as you can see, many of the ingredients are things that you keep in your kitchen and use each and every day.

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You may also want to know if you have a baby that is experiencing thrush and you breastfeed, you can rub a little coconut oil on your nipples which is safe for baby and soothing for you.

Four Ways to Lower Your Cholesterol Naturally

Posted by admin on March 10, 2011 in Health with No Comments

Since we hear so much about lowering our cholesterol, I think it’s important to put things in their proper perspective. Cholesterol is not a poison that has to be avoided at all times. It is found in all mammals and is an essential structural component of the cell membranes. In order to build and maintain cell membranes, your body requires cholesterol. However, high levels of cholesterol -in particular the bad cholesterol or LDL – may cause blockage of the arteries which increases your risk of heart disease and stroke. High levels of cholesterol are caused when there is more cholesterol in your body than is needed. This usually happens because of genetics, poor diet and lack of exercise. Your body must now find a way to get rid of the excess cholesterol. The extra cholesterol travels through the blood stream and may form plagues on the artery walls, which mean that the arteries become narrower and may even harden. In cases of complete blockage, a heart attack or stroke may be the result. The point is that we have to control our cholesterol intake in order to prevent the above from happening. The good news is that there are ways to do so without prescribed medication.

When you are diagnosed with high cholesterol, you may initially need to take prescription drugs to lower the cholesterol quickly. However, this does not necessarily mean that you are doomed to take medication for the rest of your life. There are ways to lower your cholesterol levels naturally and therefore also without the side-effects associated with prescription drugs. A balanced combination of a healthy diet and an effective exercise plan may be more beneficial to you than many medications.

What you can do to lower your cholesterol naturally:

Healthy Diet and Eating Habits

Lower your intake of meat, butter, full-cream milk and cheese to lower saturated fats in your diet. Although your body produces its own cholesterol, about 25% of your cholesterol comes from food intake. All animal fats are saturated fats, so you’ll find that meat, butter, full-cream milk and cheese are high in cholesterol-increasing fats. These fats increase the levels of the bad cholesterol in your body, namely LDL. On the other hand, consuming unsaturated fats decreases the bad cholesterol levels. Monounsaturated fats (which are good for you) are found in peanut butter, avocado, olive oil and canola oil.

Include more fish in your diet to increase your intake of Omega 3 fatty acids. These have been shown to lower cholesterol and can be found in especially the oily fish varieties which are typically found in cold water.

Examples of fish rich in Omega 3 are tuna, herring, trout, pink salmon, sardines and mackerel.

Ensure that you do not add unhealthy fats when cooking the fish. Baking or grilling is the healthiest way to go. If eating fish is not your thing, you may use the supplements. It must be said, however, that eating fish is more effective in lowering the levels of LDL than taking supplements.

Other food sources rich in Omega 3 are the green, leafy vegetables, certain nuts such as walnuts and almonds as well as soy products.

It is important to note that the capacity of Omega 3 to lower cholesterol is enhanced when the intake of saturated fats are lowered. So, in essence, you have to let go of the bad thing to properly enjoy the benefits of the good thing.

Eat more fresh fruit and vegetables to add more soluble fibre to your diet. Soluble fibre binds itself to cholesterol-rich bile acids in the intestines and escorts them out of the body. Foods that contain cholesterol-lowering soluble fibre include fruits, vegetables, brown rice, oats and barley. Aim to eat daily servings of 5 fresh fruit and vegetables daily.

  • Apples contain a specific soluble fibre called pectin which lowers cholesterol.
  • Pectin has the added benefit of preventing overeating since it slows the digestive process.
  • Include some garlic in your diet. It is rich in cholesterol lowering compounds.

Should we be too busy to prepare proper meals, we are simply being too busy and besides that, a consistently unhealthy diet will ultimately catch up with us and then we will have to make time to fix all our health issues. Time invested in preparing proper meals is time wisely invested. Fast foods increase the levels of cholesterol in our body and have many other negative effects on our general health too.
Certain culinary herbs, such as parsley, have cholesterol-lowering compounds and add great taste to meals.

Drinks like fruit and vegetable juices, as well as green tea, have been shown to lower cholesterol.

Don’t snack mindlessly. Think about what you put into your mouth. We often just grab something to snack on, not because we are hungry, but simply because it was there for the taking. Giving some thought to what we eat, already takes us a long way in controlling our weight. Eating should be a conscious action.

Which brings me to the next point:

Take time to enjoy your meal.

Please Note: When embarking on a new exercise plan (especially if you have been unfit before the time), please discuss your plans with your doctor.

Scientific studies have shown that exercise decreases the bad cholesterol as it reverses the build up of cholesterol on the artery walls. Besides lowering the cholesterol, exercise also helps with weight loss, which is great since carrying extra weight increases cholesterol. Aerobic activity such as walking, cycling and running -any activity that gets your heart pumping, can lower the cholesterol levels. Exercises also stimulate the release of the feel-good hormones, endorphins which helps us to relax and thereby lower our stress levels.

Decrease Stress Levels
Life is stressful. We all know that from experience. We have also learnt that there will always be ample reason to stress, since a challenge isn’t something that comes our way once only. There will always be challenges. There are certain things we cannot change. We can go a long way in reducing our stress by focusing less on the things we can’t change and pour our energies into what we can change. There are many different stress-relieving techniques out there. Having a regular massage, practicing deep breathing, or just walking have been shown to significantly decrease stress levels. There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to stress-relief. Take the time to find a way that works for you. Think of something you enjoy doing. That’s usually a good indicator of what will work to relief your stress levels.

Educate Yourself Concerning your Condition
Find out as much as you can about high levels of cholesterol and its effects on the body. In this way, you will empower yourself to take charge of your condition. Speak to your family doctor, dietitian, read books on the topic and visit websites. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. The more you know concerning the harmful effects of high cholesterol, the better you will be able to make beneficial lifestyle changes. And be sure to have regular medical check-ups.

Healing Trends From the Holy Land

Posted by admin on March 9, 2011 in Health with No Comments

So what is Alternative Holistic Medicine?

The truth is that I don’t, nor do I ever expect to, have a full answer.

Over the course of my journey thus far, I have discovered certain practices and habits which bring deep healing both to myself and to my clients. Among these methods are nutrition, meditation, herbalism, bodywork and movement, and various breathing techniques. No less important is the development of a healthy relationship with one’s family and social surroundings. In my conception of health, this all culminates in the ultimate healing – developing a healthy relationship with the divine.

In the Holy Land I have been exposed to much of the Jewish spectrum of religiosity. It’s been a fun and interesting journey, although I did get pretty lost there for a while… One of the most important things I’ve learned is that health, both spiritual and physical, must always be dynamic. If one is not growing and awake, one is regressing.

Sometimes we ask ourselves, “Is there an end?” A point at which one can stop and say: ‘Alright! Now I am healthy.’?

On the one hand, it is certainly important to have the ability to truly be satisfied with oneself and one’s situation. Or as my Grandma says: ‘to schep nachas’, literally to derive satisfaction or pleasure.

Yet, there is a place where nachas shepping turns into a patting of ourselves on the back that prevents honest growth. The Jewish sages teach that each being is a reflection of G-d, and that every one of us contains an entire world. If we take these sayings as an everyday truth, then this potential inside of us both allows and obligates us to develop, grow and connect with the infinity of which we are a part.

We have all picked up habits, beliefs and convictions that serve our divine purpose. However, one of the most important positive habits is unpopular in our current social atmosphere. It is the acceptance, and even pursuit, of true critique.

We sometimes confuse criticism with a withholding of love. We are taught that if anyone disapproves of our actions or choices, they are displaying a lack of acceptance of who we are. But actually, if one listens carefully he can hear that it is his own fears that are talking. When the criticism of others knocks us off balance, it is due to our own insecurity and lack of self-acceptance.

This is a major roadblock on the way to true dynamic health. In order to heal, one must free himself from these restrictive patterns. If we can learn to acknowledge our genuine self, we can be honestly and humbly attuned to what life is trying to teach us. We will then enter a stronger and more natural flow of life.

So what is Alternative Holistic Medicine?

There is a process taking place throughout time: our finite being yearns to attune to its infinite source. This happens whether we choose to listen or not. Choosing to listen will ultimately bring better health to us and our surroundings, and ease the growing pains. On a practical level this could mean to chew your food better, be more conscious of your breathing, or try anything else that will help you open up to where you’re at on your journey to become the greatest you can be. The benefits of alternative holistic medicine help you become more in tune with yourself as you seek a healthier lifestyle.

Effective Hyperacidity Cure and Herbal Acid Dyspepsia Treatment

Posted by admin on March 7, 2011 in Health with No Comments

The other name for hyperacidity is acid dyspepsia. This is a common disorder that affects more than 30 percent of the population. Irregular lifestyle and faulty eating habits leads to such disorders. It is well known that food we eat is digested in the stomach. And stomach digests the food with the help of certain acids and enzymes. These acids and enzymes breaks down the food and pass the indigested food to intestine for further process. When these stomach acids are produced more than normal needed quantity; hyperacidity awakes. It is a common disorder connected to diet but if it is not treated in time it can lead to some serious health problems such as gastritis or stomach ulcers.

There are many factors that can increase the production of acid. Nowadays, many people like to eat foods that are rich in fat, too oily or too spicy foods. These kinds of foods will stimulate the glands of stomach to increase the formation of acid. However, certain kind of medications can also affect the process of acid formation. Intake of anti-inflammatory drugs for longer time period is the most common cause for hyperacidity. It is also caused by alcoholic beverages and smoking. Avoiding these habits and some changes in lifestyle will be very helpful to cure this disorder.

Whenever our body suffers from disease or disorder, it shows some symptoms. There are some symptoms our body will show in this disorder also. Excess acid can cause vomiting, flatulence and heartburn. Pain in stomach can also be due to increase in amount of acid in stomach. In chronic conditions symptoms may also include bloating, pain in muscular contraction, problem in respiration and cough. There are remedies to treat this disorder effectively but change in lifestyle and improvement in faulty eating habits will provide a complete cure.

1. Ginger is the most helpful food for treating stomach ailments. Have a teaspoon of ginger juice with honey, after meals. It will help the glands in stomach to work properly.

2. Avoid citrus fruits, instead of it drink small amount of pineapple juice several times a day. It will neutralize the excess stomach acid.

3. In case of addiction with tea or coffee, prefer to drink herbal teas such as chamomile tea or peppermint tea. These herbal teas do not contain caffeine.

4. Include yoghurt in the diet. It will not only help to neutralize stomach acid but it will also help in the proper digestion of food.

5. Cabbage juice is one of the most effective remedy for disorders of stomach. Have a glass of cabbage juice everyday. It will help to control the amount of acid production.

Try these effective remedies and also make some necessary changes in lifestyle. Remedies alone cannot cure any disorders, some changes in lifestyle is very important for complete healing. Some lifestyle changes are discussed ahead for healthy life. Develop the habit of exercising regularly, at least for 30 minutes. It will help the digestive system to work properly. Avoid alcoholic beverages and reduce the number of cigarettes. Improve eating habits by avoiding high-fat foods, oily and spicy foods and sour foods. Never go to bed right after having meals. Increase the intake of drinking water. It will help the body to expel the toxins. The mentioned remedies and lifestyle changes will provide a complete cure from hyperacidity.

How to Find a Good Hypnotherapist

Posted by admin on February 22, 2011 in Health with No Comments

In most countries, there aren’t any official rules about hypnosis. Since it is a science which is still surrounded with a halo of mysticism because of the movies and of the shows, many are unsure about which therapist to choose. Best is, of course, if someone you trust, a friend or a family member, has tried this therapist and recommends him to you. But if not, there are some things, you can do.

In most European countries, there is no special law about hypnosis. In the USA, there are different laws depending on the state, but there is little or no direct regulation over the practice of hypnosis, although, of course, other laws generally affecting the operation of any business will usually apply (truth in advertising, unfair business practices, etc.). Few states require mandatory licensure or registration, for example, Colorado, Connecticut or Washington. Some other do not have mandatory registration, but have specific regulations for the practice of hypnotism and certain rules and guidelines for licensure exemption. That would be states like California, Florida, Illinois, New Jersey, Texas, Utah…

So in short, you will have to check out what registration the therapist you are going to use has and see if he has a valid license. Second, and this is very important, find out if the therapist is a member of one or more professional organizations and in this case, which one and what are the conditions to be a member of this organization. Who taught him hypnosis? Where did he study?

Don’t be afraid to ask these questions in your first session. Best is, if you have prepared your questions in advance. Write them down to be sure you don’t forget any. Every understanding therapist (that should be a pleonasm, but it is, unfortunately not) will know that you are unsure, especially if you never have tried it before and will disclose anything you want. There are no secrets to hypnosis. No question is too stupid to be ask. As we say in France: There are no stupid questions, there are only stupid answers.

If you are insecure about going to the therapist alone the first time, don’t hesitate to bring a friend with you. It is perfectly understandable that you are hesitant and a friend can see or ask some questions you may not think of. As a therapist, the only thing I have to say to that is I like to know it beforehand. But that is merely politeness. If I am waiting for one patient and see two persons arrive, it is no big deal, but I prefer to be warned.

Apart from that, there is no reason why a therapist would deny you to come with someone. If he does, be on your guards. There is no reason to refuse a third person in session for the first contact where you certainly may have many things to ask. In the following sessions, of course, the therapist may ask your friend to leave the room under treatment.

Don’t be scared to ask the therapist how the session will be and what will happen. One of my patients told me, one of the hypnotherapist she went to before me, asked her to lay down and then started a CD with a hypnosis session on while he was playing cards on his computer. This kind of treatment may not be suitable for you. So ask the therapist how the session will be, what he will do and not do.

Hypnosis is not magic. It is a therapy and the contact and the trust you have in your therapist is the most important. If you, at first contact, feel that something is wrong that you don’t like the person or that the contact between you two isn’t good, find another therapist. This doesn’t mean that this therapist is bad, just that you may not be one for another. He can be very good for someone else. You have to rely on him, to be able to relax in his company, and you won’t be able to do that, if there is any form of antipathy (whether it is justified or not).

Acupressure Points to Treat Neck Pain Caused From Wry Neck

Posted by admin on February 18, 2011 in Health with No Comments

Acupressure can be used to relieve a number of different problems. In this article we will talk about acupressure for neck pain. Various reasons exist for neck pain. One cause of pain in your neck can be wry neck. Essentially wry neck or torticollis is a crick in the neck. This is usually from sleeping wrong or sometimes from trauma.

Five acu-points are used to relieve neck pain caused from wry neck:

  • The first point is Gv-16. This acu-point is located in the hollow at the base of the skull.
  • Si-15 is located at a 45 degree angle from the base of the neck (where the neck appears to attach to the body) and just to the side of the spinal column.
  • After you have located Si-15, draw an imaginary straight line from the point to the outside of the body. GB-21 will be one fingers width above this line and TW-15 one fingers width below on the mid-clavicular line. Just imagine you are drawing a line down your body dividing it from front to back right at the middle of your collar bone.
  • The final acu-point B-10 is located on either side of the neck at the second cervical spine level about three fingers width below Gv-16.


Now that you have found the correct acu-points, you can begin treatment. Apply firm pressure, hold for three seconds then release. Apply pressure in a circular motion to the trigger points. You may feel a knot or tightness and there may be tenderness at the site. This is a good sign you are in the right place. Continue to apply pressure until you feel the area relax. You can also apply ice therapy to the area.

Many people want to apply heat or use massage to the neck when they have wry neck pain. These treatments can actually worsen the condition. Heat increases congestion to the area and massage can actually increase muscle spasm. Avoid manipulating, pushing or pulling the muscles in this area. Avoid using heat therapy.

Use gentle pressure to the acu-points several times daily. Begin at the first sign of discomfort. You should feel relief of pain that increases each day. If for any reason pain persists, you should see your doctor.

Always use caution with any alternative treatment if you are pregnant, a child or have preexisting medical conditions. Also, if you have an undiagnosed injury acupressure does not take the place of medical treatment.

A very neat site to help you locate acu-points is on the Stanford Medical Education Site. Just type in acupressure point finder online in your browser.

Say Good-Bye to Constipation Through Natural Ways

Posted by admin on February 16, 2011 in Health with No Comments

There are over 65 percent of men and women in the United States who are suffering from constipation. Moreover, at least 2 percent experience intermittent constipation episodes.

Constipation is one of the most common gastro-intestinal disorders. It is characterized by passing of stool less than three times a week. Moreover, the stool is often very small and hard.

You may also experience some difficulty in passing stool. Sometimes it is painful and leads to rectal bleeding. A number of men and women also have bloated abdomen.

How to Deal with It

Often, constipation is manageable. You can reduce its occurrence or completely avoid it by following these tips:

  1. Don’t fret about it. It’s normal to experience constipation. There are times your bowel movement goes back to normal after a couple of days. You just need to be patient. Further, not everyone goes through the toilet every single day. As long as you pass stool at least three times a week, then you’re fine.
  2. Don’t skip breakfast. Of all the meals, breakfast is the most important. Breakfast provides you the energy to start your day right. It also activates your bowels, as when you’re sleeping, your bowels are also at rest. Just in case it’s unavoidable to skip breakfast, you can drink at least two glasses of water as soon as you wake up. Before you report to work or go to school, you can drink natural fruit juice of your choice.
  3. Breathe properly. Correct breathing helps ease the bowels, allowing a more comfortable stool passing. You can achieve that by taking in air through the nose and expelling it through your mouth.
  4. Avoid strain. One of the most common mistakes people make is to push extremely hard in order to get rid of the stools. Not only is this ineffective, but it’s a possible cause of hemorrhoids, which is equally painful.When you’re ready to pass stool just relax and breathe. Place your feet firmly on the floor and lean forward. You can massage your lower back to stimulate bowel movement. But never push strongly. If after doing all these nothing still happens, then try again later.
  5. Eat foods that are rich in fiber. You can greatly improve your bowel movement by increasing your intake of fiber. The contraction and expansion of the large intestines, which stimulate bowel movements, happen only when the body recognizes the fullness of the large intestines. Fiber does that. Completely biodegradable fiber easily fills up your intestines, so your body is forced to excrete stool.
  6. Limit your intake of laxatives. The easiest way to stimulate bowel movement is by taking laxatives. It forces the intestines to contract and expand. But the problem with continuously taking it is your intestines will get used to it. Soon laxatives will no longer work.
  7. Reduce your stress level. Digestion and bowel problems are typical among those with high levels of stress. When you’re under stress or experiencing depression and anxiety, the intestine muscles contract and restrict the proper passing of stool.

You can minimize stress by using subliminal messages or affirmations. Perhaps a few minutes before you go into the toilet, you can take slow deep breaths and say the following words:

  • I am leaving stress behind me.
  • I am surrounded by a lot of positive emotions.
  • I only accept what’s going to be good for me.

How to Fight the Onset of Aging

Posted by admin on February 10, 2011 in Health with No Comments

As you get older it is only natural for your skin to start loosing definition and begin seeing fine lines. Yet this process differs for everyone.
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Depending on your eating habits, level of activity and your genetics, some of us age more than others.

What prompts aging?

Aging is a natural process which normally occurs when HGH levels managed by your pituitary gland start to fall. No longer able to encourage cell generation and replication, declines in HGH creation can cause your skin to sink, lines to develop, your metabolic rate to fall, and your muscles to lose firmness.

Top anti-aging solutions

If you genuinely want to fight the signs of aging and benefit from clearer, firmer looking skin, there are lots of solutions you can harness to help you get rid of those irritating minute lines without having to have surgery.


Anti-aging lotions enriched in antioxidants, vitamins E, A or C, retinoic acid or fruit acids are highly acknowledged for assisting you to overcome the signs of wrinkles and offer you healthier looking complexions.

However, trials by the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine has recently declared that these lotions cannot prevent your skin from sagging or sinking despite the benefits they can give your complexion.

HGH Products

Ranging from injections to pills to sprays to releasers, studies have found that growth hormone therapy is the only treatment that can help subjects look noticeably younger.

Yet even in this niche, depending on the way these HGH products are taken some are more efficient than others.

Let us explain:

* HGH Injections ñ made from the synthetic HGH hormone somatropin, these injections are not only very expensive ($20,000 per year) but are attached to a number of dangers.
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The problem arises because your body acknowledges the somatropin as a foreign hormone. Therefore, these injections trigger a lots of bad side effects: strokes, liver failure, kidney damage and bad allergic reactions.

* HGH Releasers are easily the most reliable HGH product, HGH releasers work by naturally encouraging HGH creation insider your pituitary gland. As your HGH levels rise you will recognise less wrinkles, improved muscle toning, a stronger immune system, a faster metabolic rate and quicker weight reduction.

* HGH Capsules are despite their good intentions, the health benefits contained within these capsules is commonly lost before it is given a chance to help as it is destroyed during digestion.

Which is the best?

From oils to injections to capsules, the best way to combat aging is by using organic HGH releasers like HGH Advanced, that can rapidly and efficiently re-awaken your pituitary gland without making you use artificially created hormones.

100% natural and attainable without a need for prescription HGH Advanced has been proven through extensive clinical trials to fight the causes of aging without triggering any ill effects. And supported by a 180 day refund policy, should you find after 90 days it has not done what it said it would, HGH Advanced will give you an additional 90 days to ask for a refund ñ meaning you will not waste your hard earned money.