Alternative Medicine

Using Aromatherapy For Alternative Healing

Posted by admin on April 13, 2011 in Aromatherapy with No Comments

Aromatherapy is the use of aromas for mental, physical and emotional healing The healing aromas are essential oils that are distilled from herbs and flowers, so they are another great natural therapy.

Although there is hardly any clinical evidence that this type of therapy actually works, there is some evidence that some of the essential oils have therapeutic potential. There are many aroma therapists world wide that believe whole heartedly that aromatherapy has positive effects on a person’s health and well being.

Because these oils have molecules which quickly evaporate into the environment, when you inhale one of these essential oil molecules, its unique tapestry of active components reacts with the olfactory membranes in your nose. This is directly linked to the limbic system and hypothalamus in the brain. These two areas play a crucial role in regulating your emotions, mind and body.

Certain oils can be applied directly to the skin, and this will be doubly effective since the oil will be inhaled and absorbed into your bloodstream.
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These oils vary widely in cost, and it depends on their availability and the methods used to produce them. Lavender oil is a lot cheaper than rose oil, but most oils are expensive, although you use so little at a time that they can last you for years.

To disperse the oils into the air you can use a basic atomizer or an aromatherapy pottery ring that fits over a light bulb. These items are relatively cheap compared to the actual oils.

Here are some of the ailments that aromatherapy can help or cure. Skin problems like burns and infections, digestive complaints, stress, hormone imbalances, menopause and some respiratory complaints. These oils can also be used around the house as natural air fresheners or as ingredients in household cleaners.

Essential oils are extremely potent and most of them cannot be used on the skin without being diluted. Make sure to read the instructions on the label and test first to see if there are any sensitivities. Put a drop on some cotton wool and wipe it on the inside of your elbow crease and close your elbow for about five minutes. If you have a stinging sensation or there is redness, do not use it.

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Essential oils should not be used during the first three months of pregnancy, as many of these oils contain theorem, which is a chemical that has been shown to have an abortive action.

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