Alternative Medicine

Avoiding Colds And Flus Naturally

Posted by admin on September 25, 2011 in Health with No Comments

In case you don’t know you can strengthen your immune system naturally without prescription or over the counter medicines. There are certain herbs, foods, supplements, and home remedies that really can help you to avoid catching a cold or flu. And at the same time strengthen your immune system. And if you do end up coming down with the cold or a flu it won’t be as severe and it won’t last as long.

One key thing a lot of people miss is the importance of washing your hands often. You really need to keep several of the containers of antibacterial hand soap setting around your house so that you can keep your hands super clean without even having to use water. Just squirt some of the antibacterial soap into your hand and rub your hands together. It’s also very important to keep items like remote controls, telephone handsets, and door knobs very clean. If you will do this you will find that the cold virus won’t get spread around among your family members nearly as quick. Keep in mind that its so very important to keep telephone handsets very clean especially during cold and flu season. generic viagra canada

A lot of people fail to realize how much your daily diet plays a part in the strength of your immune system.

  • If you or your children are eating candy, processed foods, or lots of soda your weakening your immune system.
  • In cold and flu season you need to take Vitamin A, Vitamin E, and Vitamin C in large doses both to prevent the cold and flu and to strengthen your immune system.
  • During the cold and flu season try eating more vegetables. You should eat four to five servings of vegetables a day and you should have eggs for breakfast. Oatmeal is also very healthy for you. You should also try to add in lots of fresh fruit and fresh fruit contains lots of Vitamin C. Eat berries especially blueberries as they are one of the best antioxidant foods you can eat. Grandma was right those blueberry pancakes really are good for you. But avoid white flour. Try to go with all whole grains. Eat brown rice instead of white rice.
  • If you will take 2000 to 4000 mg of Vitamin C every day especially during the cold and flu season you will have far fewer infections. You also want to be sure to add plenty of fresh garlic to your diet. Fresh garlic fights infections and is really natures antibiotic. In the cold and flu season try to drink a couple of cups of your favorite hot tea with a tablespoon of natural honey in each cup of tea. Honey kills bacteria.
  • Echinacea is a really great super antioxidant and you can take it in capsule or drops. The normal dose for an adult is 40 drops a day. If you take 40 drops a day as soon as you fill your getting a cold or the flu you will notice the symptoms quickly going away.
  • Oil of Oregano is a powerful anti oxidant that is very good against bacteria, viral, parasitic, or fungal infections. You can take capsules or drop a few drops under your tongue so it will go straight into your system. Many experts say this is your best defense against the cold or flu.
  • Drink several cups a day of Chinese Green Tea and feel free to add natural honey to it to strengthen your immune system and give you more energy. You can also take a couple of teaspoons of apple cider vinegar a day and give yourself more energy while strengthening your immune system.
  • You should be sure to drink eight large glasses of bottled water a day to help to flush out your system. The water will also help to wash all the toxins out of your system. Regular exercise and fresh air will also help to keep your immune system strong and at the same time it should help to keep you cold and flu free.

Remember not to touch common surfaces out in the public where people with a cold or the flu may have touched. Keep a container of anti bacterial soap with you and wash your hands and arms up to your elbows often. If you will wash your hands very often you will have a lot fewer cold and flu problems.

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