Curing Tiredness Without Coffee « Alternative Medicine

Curing Tiredness Without Coffee

Posted by Alternative Medicine on August 23, 2010 in Health with No Comments

Coffee is probably the most popular caffeine fix found on our national breakfast table. The phrase “I can’t get out of bed without it” is so common even kids can quote it. The use of coffee isn’t limited to just breakfast, either. Just look at the lines at Starbuck’s and you’ll see that it is used all day long, usually as a pick me up.

While coffee has some redeeming qualities in our diet, it is also a potent drug. Caffeine is addicting in both a physical and mental sense. Anyone who has gotten used to many cups of coffee over the course of a day will find themselves dealing with a truly nasty headache if they stop cold turkey.

Caffeine poses health risks as well. It can reduce and almost eliminate the benefits of antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications. It can cause a rise in blood pressure and heart rate which is not ideal if you are trying to deal with high blood pressure and heart disease. It can also trigger episodes of angina and irregular heartbeat.

So, the question is how can we get around this problem? What, other than the ever present cup of coffee will relieve our tired, lethargic bodies? There actually are some things you can do, though you may not like all of them.

  • 1) Avoid sugar:
  • Sugar and refined carbohydrates can give you a boost for about twenty minutes. However, after that your blood sugar levels will plummet, usually lower than they were before you ate that donut. Carefully watch how much you consume and you may be able to stop the drop.

  • 2) Cut the coffee:
  • Caffeine will prevent you from sleeping well (and sometimes at all). When it wears off, it leaves you feeling exhausted. There’s a good reason for that feeling. Caffeine triggers your fight or flight response, so while you’ve been energetically doing your job, your metabolism is through the roof. That means you are burning more calories and increasing that tired feeling.

  • 3) Eat properly:
  • A balanced diet makes a big difference in how you feel. If you are tired all of the time, start writing down everything you consume and check it for balance. You will probably see areas that require some tweaking. It really is worth that extra effort.

  • 4) Get enough sleep:
  • There are several studies that indicate that a) we’re not getting enough sleep and b) it causes some serious health risks. Most adults require a minimum of seven hours of sleep. If you routinely get less sleep, you’re at risk for obesity, heart disease, cancer and many other life altering conditions.

  • 5) Hydration:
  • If you’re thirsty, you’re already dehydrated. That puts a lot of stress on every organ in your body and especially your brain. That fuzzy headed feeling may be trying to lure you to the water cooler.

  • 6) Vitamins & minerals:
  • While we should all try to eat a balanced diet, it’s not easy. We often fail due to unforeseen circumstances. As that’s the case, adding a good multivitamin/multimineral supplement can help you maintain that balance. Ask your doctor which is recommended, as your needs change as your life progresses.

    Enjoying a cup or two of coffee isn’t going to hurt you, but constant consumption has the potential of doing so. If your coffee needs run in the multiples every day, try to wean yourself off of it and see how it feels. You will be surprised at the quality of life that can be a result.


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