Fighting Insomnia: Alternative Methods « Alternative Medicine

Fighting Insomnia: Alternative Methods

Posted by Alternative Medicine on June 20, 2010 in Health with No Comments

Millions of people suffer from insomnia, you may fall asleep then find yourself waking up during the night, tossing, turning and having a hard time going back to sleep can be so exhausting. Stress can cause you to suffer from sleep problems, poor diet and your lifestyle. Many do not know but the type of food you eat depends on what type of sleep you get.

Men and women suffer from this medical condition but women suffer more because of menopause, pregnancy and menstruation.

Sleep is very important to our health; not getting enough sleep can cause illness, medical conditions and change your appearance by increasing the signs of aging causing under eye bag, dark circles and lack of concentration. Feeling tired all the time is no picnic. Here are some tips on how to get a peaceful night sleep.

No coffee before bedtime everyone knows that caffeine keeps you going. If you drink coffee do it way before bedtime because it can take up to 6 to 8 hours for caffeine to leave your system.

Try to avoid going to sleep after eating heavy meals; they can make you sleepy which will cause you to take a nap, so try to stay awake so it won’t interfere with your nighttime sleep.

A sleepy hormone called melatonin that your body produces is also in the foods you eat. Scientists have discovered this hormone in foods like rice, oats, sweet corn, ginger, bananas and barley says Russell Reiter, PHD, of cellular and structural biology and author of Melatonin: Your Body’s Natural Wonder Drug.
Melatonin supplement sleep
Lack of Nutrition and Vitamins may affect your sleep cycle too. The better your diet is the greater your sleep will be. Studies have shown that people who do not get enough copper and iron into their diet have a longer time falling asleep. Shellfish have lots of iron in it; eating about 20 small steamed clams for example would provide 25 milligrams of iron or 139 percent of the daily value.

A sleep aid called Sleepwell Herbal if other methods are not convenient for you. It helps to overcome sleep disorders such as insomnia and restlessness by facilitating the process of falling asleep and providing restful, deep sleep. SleepWell contains proprietary blend of pure standardized extracts.

Drinking a cup of chamomile tea before bedtime relaxes you, it really prepares your body for sleep, warm milk is also has a calming effect to the brain.

Magnesium is another mineral that is essential for good sleep. Having low levels of it stimulates the brain neurotransmitters, which leads to over stimulation of the brain. Foods that contain this mineral are pinto and navy beans, green leafy vegetables like spinach, Swiss chard, soybeans, pumpkin seeds, wheat germ and almonds.

Vitamin B also is important when it comes to your diet. It has tryptophan, which is found in foods like turkey and dairy products. It helps the brain to relax and go to sleep. When we eat, it draws blood into the gastrointestinal tract and away from the brain, which then causes you to get sleepy.

Avoid drinking alcohol before going to bed, though it might make you past out it also makes you wake up during the night as well so alcohol plays with your mind and your body. Chocolate will interrupt your sleep cycle too, but only eating it before bed.

If you find yourself suffering from insomnia because of frequent urination during the night it could be a prostate condition when it comes to men, waking up to use the bathroom is the most common when it comes to getting up during the night. For women it could be a bladder condition or urinary tract infection. If you have a prostate problems getting a prostate health supplements that promotes prostate health is very crucial to your health it can prevent cancer and other medical conditions. Prostacet provides a comprehensive blend of vitamins and herbs that protect your body for greater health.


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