Perfect Gifts for Easter: Light, Scent, and Healing « Alternative Medicine

Perfect Gifts for Easter: Light, Scent, and Healing

Posted by Alternative Medicine on June 8, 2011 in Health with No Comments

It only takes a spark to get a fire going. So goes a familiar song. If there’s one fire you’d like to keep burning this Easter, let it be the fire from eco-friendly candles that not only give off light but also give off a pleasing odor, and, most of all, set the fire of healing going. What are these candles and why are they the perfect gifts for Easter?

Candles are perfect gifts for Easter because they give off soft, warm, and relaxing light. They are the best gift ideas for Easter if you go by the notion of Easter as a celebration of light. While most folks stick to the spring theme of Easter, others consider both spring and Easter as feasts celebrating the passing from the darkness of winter to the light of spring. So, candles might be great gift ideas for Easter gifts.

However, don’t just stop at the gift of light. Give the gift of scent and healing, too. Choosing between scented or unscented candles is totally up to you. But, I personally recommend the scented ones, particularly those that use essential oils for the scent. In this case, your gift will not just be light but also scent and healing. Let me explain why by referring to the art and science of aromatherapy.

The Gift of Scented Healing

Aromatherapy is actually a combination of aroma and therapy. Aroma, of course, refers to a pleasant scent or fragrance, while therapy refers to methods, procedures, or products for relieving or healing a disorder or discomfort. Thus, aromatherapy is the use of pleasant scents for therapeutic or healing purposes.

Aromatherapy is not a main mode for healing or for treating illnesses. Rather, it is a complementary form of therapy. It works by stimulating the human body’s natural ability for self-healing, self-restoration, self-regulation, and self-maintenance.

What makes aromatherapy candles therapeutic? Candles used for aromatherapy use essential oils. These oils are natural (since they come from plants) and give the candles their pleasant scent. They are also the ingredients that make aromatherapy work. The human skin and lungs can easily absorb the molecules of essential oils. When these molecules enter the body, they start to work their wonderful healing tasks.

The Health Benefits of Aromatherapy Candles

Essential oils are concentrated. That is why only very little amounts are needed so that they can bring results. Essential oils have been used for a long time for the following:

  • for healing wounds and reducing inflammations;
  • for skin tone improvement and rejuvenation;
  • as relief for headaches and menstrual cramps;
  • for energizing the immune system;
  • as decongestant;
  • for improving digestion and blood circulation;
  • as antibacterial and antifungal;
  • for relaxation and as an aid for sleep and rest;
  • and many more.

According to studies, you get several benefits by using aromatherapy candles. Here’s an incomplete list:

  • You feel relaxed and your stress levels go down.
  • You tend to acquire a more cheerful mood.
  • You feel a perceptible sense of balance and a feeling of being well.
  • You get rid of little discomforts.
  • Your immune system strengthens.
  • Your breathing improves, as does your blood circulation.

Do not confuse essential oils with synthetic fragrances. Some candle manufacturers use synthetic fragrances to give the candles a pleasing odor when burned. But, synthetic fragrances won’t work for aromatherapy. Instead, go for candles scented with essential oils. There are many “flavors” to choose from–lemon, lime, citrus, apple, grape, mint, strawberry, vanilla, cinnamon, raspberry, eucalyptus, cedar, lavender, and many others.

An Environment-Friendly Option

Because of aromatherapy, I personally recommend scented candles. Now, before you go scampering off to the nearest store to look for these wonderful Easter gifts, let me first tell you about another thing that can make your gift better: go environment-friendly.

In this case, the most eco-friendly candles are those made from organic and natural materials, especially those made from soy, palm, or beeswax. Not only will these types of candles give off a pleasant scent and relax you. They also produce less smoke, burn longer, and burn more cleanly than candles made of paraffin or other inorganic materials. Candles made from natural materials are also reported to be hypoallergenic, which means they are okay to use even if you have allergies or asthma. Since they are also biodegradable, they are eco-friendly.

As for the shape and size, I leave the decision up to you. You can choose from many designs and sizes. There are even specialty candles shaped in the form of objects, plants, or animals. Yup, there are egg-shaped candles and rabbit-shaped candles, too–just in case you’d like to remain closer to familiar Easter symbols. Just remind your gift recipients to actually use the aromatherapy candles; the candles are meant to be lit, not to be displayed as mere ornaments, so the recipients could benefit from aromatherapy.

It doesn’t cost much to give the gift of light, scent, and healing for Easter. If you want to set off the spark that gets the fire of healing going this Easter, natural candles scented with essential oils are the perfect gifts for that purpose.


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